
Late assignments

There is, at my discretion, a 1% per day deduction for late assignments. If the assignment is not submitted before a week after the deadline, it will not be accepted (barring extraordinary circumstances).

Academic integrity

All students are expected to familiarize themselves with Concordia University’s policies regarding plagiarism and other offenses, including the Code of Conduct and the possible penalties.

Practical advice on how to avoid plagiarism include “Avoiding plagiarism” (Concordia University) and “How not to plagiarize” (University of Toronto).

Grounds for investigating issues of academic integrity include, but are not limited to,

  • inadequately cited references (this includes text, images, lectures, internet sources, etc);
  • quotations without quotation marks, whether or not the sources are cited correctly;
  • quotations with only slight modifications (the line between modified quotation and paraphrase can be blurry; see “What is plagiarism?”).

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